
你想完成什么? Whether you're saving to reach a specific goal or you're ready to make a big purchase, Arbor Financial is here to help members and their families throughout Michigan. 我们的价格是一流的.

As a not-for-profit credit union, our rates are structured to benefit you and all members.

woman smiling

Loan Rates


Auto Loans

Take advantage of our loan rate structure to make big purchases, 对现有贷款进行再融资以进行储蓄, 去办信用卡什么的.

Apply Online

Year Term APR as low as*
2024-2023(高达100% LTV Max) Up to 36 months 6.49%
37 - 48 months 6.74%
49 - 60 months 6.99%
61 - 72个月(电话查询详情) 7.24%
73 - 84个月(详情请致电查询) 8.49%
85 - 96个月(详情请致电查询)** 9.74%
2022-2017(高达100% LTV Max) Up to 36 months 6.74%
37 - 48 months 6.99%
49 - 60 months 7.24%
61 - 72个月(电话查询详情) 7.49%
73 - 84个月(详情请致电查询) 8.74%
85 - 96个月(详情请致电查询)** 9.99%
2016 and older Call for Rates

*年费率(APR). Rates disclosed are the lowest rates available and are determined by your credit score and loan to value at the time of application. 可能更改的费率.

**85 - 96 month term is available to borrowers with a maximum vehicle age of two years, 最低贷款金额为45美元,000, 有了合格的信用. Call for details.​

Deposit Rates

The roots of success start with reliable savings rates from Arbor Financial.

Savings Rates

Name Minimum Balance APY*
Primary Savings** $5 0.05%
Volt网赌最好最大平台储蓄账户*** $5 - $1,000 3.00%
Volt网赌最好最大平台储蓄账户*** $1,000.01 or more 0.05%
探险家俱乐部储蓄*** $5 0.05%
IRA Savings Account up to $24,999.99 0.30%
IRA Savings Account $25,000 - $99,999.99 0.40%
IRA Savings Account $100,000 or more 0.60%
Special Savings $5 0.05%
Premier Savings1 $0-14.999.99 1.50%
Premier Savings1 $15,000 or more 3.00%

* Annual Percentage Yields (APYs) earned on Arbor Financial Credit Union's savings programs are calculated by the daily balance method. For savings accounts, dividends are compounded and paid quarterly. Dividend rate and APY may change at any time as determined by the Board of Directors. 所示APY为2024年4月1日的准确数据.

** Balances of $100.00或更多的人可以获得股息. 最低余额为5美元.为维持会员资格,须缴交00元. 费用可能会减少账户上的收入.

***最低余额为5美元.为维持会员资格,须缴交00元. View Fee Schedule.

1. Annual Percentage Yield (APY) calculated by the daily balance method. 股息按季度复利支付. APY是可变的,可能随时发生变化. 费用可能会减少帐户上的收入. 所示APY为2024年3月1日的准确数据. 每位会员一个优享储蓄帐户.